Waverley Lodge 4723

If you would like to contact one of the officers of Waverley Lodge directly, please use one of the email addresses below:

The Lodge Almoner’s duty is to provide care and support for the members of his Lodge. He can provide access to various resources, for example financial assistance via the Masonic Charities or specialised help in dealing with, for example, mental health issues or bereavement. This duty of care extends to the families of members and also to Lodge widows.
The Charity Steward encourages the members to consider their charitable giving, the aim being to raise funds and the objective to support Charities. He also keeps the Lodge members informed as to what is going on so that they come to accept that charity is a regular activity and is part of Freemasonry.
Lodge Membership Officer lmo@waverleylodge4723.org.uk
The Lodge Membership Officer is the central point of contact for all membership related matters and will normally receive all initial membership enquiries on behalf of the Lodge.
The Secretary looks after all administrative matters within the Lodge, and is usually the first point of contact for anyone with enquiries relating to the Lodge.

If you feel you might be interested in joining Waverley Lodge and would like to talk to someone in person, or if you are a Freemason and would like to attend one of our Lodge meetings as a visitor, please contact us:

Tel:07762 496490
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